Author Archives: Susan

Green Tea Thirst Quencher

Well, before you know it, summer will be here – tropical heat where even the shade doesn’t offer much relief. Be sure to “stay hydrated” (or, as they used to say, just drink plenty of fluids). Gatorade and related sports drinks are great for replacing lost electrolytes, etc., but that’s not always necessary.


Make Your Own Sports Drink

For me, they actually sometimes upset my stomach, which is NOT  good. If water alone is not particularly your thing, then maybe you should consider my husband’s solution for a tasty, thirst quenching sports drink that’s also economical to make.

There are many reasons for drinking green tea, including this list of 20 ways a beverage based on green tea helps your body.

Drinking Green Tea Is A Good Thing

This process is the same as making “sun tea,” which doesn’t really need the sun in order to make, just the hot tap water. Proportions are approximate and can be altered to taste – make it your own and customize. (Fresh mint is always a good option.)

2-1/2 quarts (80 oz.) hot water (from the faucet is OK).
2 large Luzianne brand family size green tea bags specially blended for iced tea.
(Just think of all of those lovely antioxidants!)
1/4 cup sugar (adjust to taste)
Allow the tea to steep on the countertop for 2 or more hours.
Remove the tea bags and give it a stir to dissolve any remaining sugar at the bottom.
Now it’s ready for the refrigerator, to use as needed.

When you’re ready, pour some into your glass or sports bottle and add any of the following for additional nutrients and flavor. (For our taste, proportions are usually 3 parts tea plus 1 part juice, but go ahead and customize to make it your own.)

  • A) Motts natural fresh pressed 100% apple juice – no sugar added
  • B) Northland 100% cranberry juice – no sugar added
  • C) Florida’s Natural 100% pure Florida orange juice

Experiment and see what you like – just remember to read the label and watch for additives and things like added sweeteners that are not particularly desirable when you’re talking about a healthy, refreshing drink.

Did YOU Forget to Breathe?


Breathing – Don’t Take It For Granted

For heaven’s sake – BREATHE! Sounds simple, but most people don’t do it. We tend to take short, shallow breaths that are not optimal for purposes of effectively and efficiently performing our daily tasks much less what we ask of our body during exercise.

For the maximum benefit of air/oxygen exchange in the bloodstream we must fully expand the ribcage to inhale and then totally empty the lungs on the exhale – all of which is a vital part of any Pilates program. For more info and instructions on an exercise to help you on your way to better breathing, you’ll enjoy this article by Power Pilates instructor Deborah Slade.

Pilates for runners

If you’re a runner, should you incorporate Pilates as part of your training? At YPL we think so, and have a number of clients who run 5Ks to longer events like half-marathons.

One of the more common questions I get asked is whether Pilates should be part of a runner’s training. You can Google Pilates+running and find a lot of answers. Here’s one of the better comments I’ve found on the subject, in the Health and Running blog.

One of the things I’ve heard that Pilates does best whenever the discussion is about running goes back to core strength and how that allows for better posture during the run. Other movements, like the kneeling front split, are of great benefit as a hip opener and hamstring stretch.

The New York Times published an amazing article this week that ran in the local St. Petersburg Times about a marathoner who was diagnosed with a cancerous hamstring and just months after having it removed was again winning races! Talk about adversity!

NYAC Rugby Team Trains With Power Pilates

Team sports benefit from Power Pilates training. The New York Athletic Club Rugby Team takes advantage of the Pilates focus on mobility, flexibility and coordination to improve their game. Here’s a look at the “real world” of team centered Power Pilates fitness training.

Rugby Athletes Train With Power Pilates

The benefits of Pilates training are increasingly recognized by athletes looking for that extra edge. Rugby is a physically demanding and powerful sport that requires flexibility, strength, balance and coordination. In other words, a perfect candidate for professional Pilates instruction. This commercial ran during the USA Rugby Tournament.

YPL Adds Balanced Body Arc Class

New Arc Class Adds Challenge to Floor Workout

We’re happy to announce the addition of a “group mat – Pilates Arc” class to our program. If you’re not familiar with the Balanced Body Arc please view it in action on Vimeo in a wonderfully inspiring video starring elite athlete (and Dancing With The Stars contestant) Olympic swimmer Natalie Coughlin.

Ms. Coughlin, best known for winning 11 medals in two Olympics, works out in fantastic Pilates form that she credits for helping her achieve such a high level of impact in her sport.

The Balanced Body Arc is a classic spine corrector as designed by Joseph Pilates but –

1) It has a more gentle curve on the barrel and a more rounded step to comfortably suit different body types.

2) It’s also an exercise arc with a gentle curve on one side and a steeper curve on the other.

3) It is lightweight for use in group classes.

The Arc is a great addition to any Pilates routine to improve spine flexibility, core strength, shoulder stability and as a chest and hip opener.

NOTE: Because the class incorporates spinal flexion and extension movements, you should check with your doctor if you have back issues to make sure it’s right for you.

Save 20% On Private 5-Pack During March!

Spring’s in the air and that means winter hibernation’s officially over! Taking advantage of our March Madness Special 20% off on a 5-pack of Privates is a perfect way to get those abs toned and tuned in time for summer. Signup or log in today and save – before you head for the beach. Enter code “YPL” at checkout to see your 20% discount.

Pilates: What Can It Do For Me?

Just recently came across this article by Barbara Russi Sarnataro on WebMD.  It seems to clarify some of the confusion about what Pilates is and what it can and can’t do.  As once explained to me “Pilates is a practice”.  Just like playing the piano, the more you do it and the more proficient you become in performing the exercises, the more benefits you reap.  All of which translates into a better quality of life through improved posture, core stabilization and utilization and freer range of motion in your day to day life.

National Wear Red Day

Fri 2/4 is National Wear Red Day. Show your heart & do what you can to call attention to this cause!

February Valentine – $15 Off Mat 10-Pack

Happy Valentine’s Day! And by that we mean, save $15 when you buy a Mat 10-Pack in February, either online or in the studio. And that’s the same as – wait a minute while I do the math here – that’s the same as getting a free class and a half!

No coupon required but there’s a limit of one per student, so hurry on over to your Mindbody account and lets start crunching!