Tag Archives: body weight

How To Do The Pilates Pushup

Why Pilates Pushups Are Superior to Gym Half Measures

Did you know that there’s a big difference between a regular run-of-the-mill gym pushup and a Pilates pushup? Well, there is! This video, from Brooke Siler, one of the best known Pilates teachers, perfectly demonstrates correct Pilates form.

This Pilates Floor Exercise Works Arms, Chest, Back

Body weight strength exercises are increasingly popular for fitness on the run and as part of a regular routine. This style of pushup goes well beyond the typical butt-in-the-air half dip many mistake for exercise, but in reality falls far short to the point of being counter-productive.

Once you’re able to make Pilates pushups part of your fitness routine, you’ll find you’ve become more flexible, stronger, and more limber. Try just one today, then start building up to a set of 10.