For the past three days, our provider of client account services, Mindbody, has been the target of a continuous cyber attack called a Denial of Service. The attackers focus on the victim’s web site and attempt to overwhelm it by various means. This was the case with Mindbody, which at various times over the past 72 hours or so has been unavailable, or barely functioning.
We’ve been assured by Mindbody that they’re almost back up (as this is posted) to full speed, and that no data has been compromised. The intent of the attack seems to have been to purely disrupt the function of the site.
On our end, we now have full access to scheduling, account information, etc. Depending on who you get your internet access from, you may have the same results, or you may still have problems getting to your Mindbody online account.
Mindbody’s done a pretty good job of letting customers know what’s happened, and what means they can take to restore connectivity, at their main social media sites. You can follow them on twitter and Facebook. We hope any inconvenience has been minimal, and again want to thank our great clients for your patience and understanding.