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Pilates improves your body's performance in many different ways.

Classical Pilates Second Generation

alycea ungaro teaching on the reformerGratz Pilates is the OG of Pilates equipment manufacturing. They also do a great job of preserving the Classical Pilates heritage and culture, through their apparatus, website, blog, and newsletter.

This month celebrated Pilates studio owner Alycea Ungaro is the featured interview. It celebrates the 25th anniversary of her Real Pilates studio, the brand’s expansion around the globe, and her devotion to teaching the original Pilates method.

You’ll discover her thoughts on studying with Romana, her reaction to the Pandemic, and what motivates her teaching and devotion to Classical Pilates.

While you’re there, you might be interested in signing up for their newsletter.

open leg rocker sequence

Learn more about Classical Pilates here

Is Walking Good for Your Mind?

Most of us are aware how beneficial just getting up and going for a walk is for our health. And by now most studies have for the most part been focused on the physical benefits of walking. But that single advantage outcome is beginning to get some company.

New research is revealing how our hard-wired human instinct for simply walking around has a multitude of benefits for our mental state, including how we feel about life in general. So - need a mood picker-upper? Put on your walking shoes and head outside.

open leg rocker sequence

The One Paper Product On Every Shopping List

Okay, there are essentials, and then there are absolutely must have can’t run out of shopping essentials. Topping the list is toilet paper, and the question that follows is, what’s going on?

Smaller rolls, bigger core tubes, and sticker shock at checkout. Now we learn that manufacturers didn’t raise prices last year because, but now they are, because. It’s not like anyone’s suddenly using more.

open leg rocker sequence

After Diagnosis This Athlete Found A Way

If you’ve been diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis, the good news is that exercise could be your friend, as this Ironman triathlete found out when told she would probably never run again.

Though sidelined at first, her recovery since then has been remarkable, thanks to a regular schedule of exercise and training. Her story is one of hope, inspiration, and dedication.

open leg rocker sequence

planking for core strength

Got Gray? Join Me In Rejoicing

One of the first things to go when the pandemic broke out was the hair styling ritual observed by women throughout recorded history. In my case, this has meant untold gallons of dye, rinse, repeat over the years.

No more. Most/all will have noticed by now my always there gray is now permanently on display. Gray is in, and I’m never going back. And the really good news is, I’m not alone.

Mindbody Migrates Services

On May 1st, the 15th, and the 22nd, from 9 PM to 1 AM PDT, Mindbody, the fulfillment service I use for my clients, is transferring their server operations to the cloud. This change in how sessions are booked and tracked online should see improvement in performance and accessibility.

During those hours, you won’t be able to log in to your account. This shouldn’t have too much impact on your practice, and only affects the Mindbody link, not the website or blog.

open leg rocker sequence

Headed Outside? Watch Out For These Bad Actors

This is the time of year everyone likes to spend as much time outdoors as we can before Summer descends on us like a blanket weighted with heat and humidity. One thing to keep in mind is that even the smallest creatures can upset the balance.

The University of Florida has a helpful guide to venomous caterpillars you might encounter while setting up a hammock under a favorite tree. Learn what species can quickly ruin a weekend relaxing in the shade.

open leg rocker sequence

The Pilates Philosophy

Joseph Pilates defined his theory of unique fitness training by creating the concept of Contrology. When understood and followed it significantly improves the results you’ll experience at every level.

It isn’t easy combining the physical with the mental. When we do The 100, for instance, it’s much easier to simply go with the flow than it is to focus on proper form, breathing, and engagement. It requires constant concentration.

You can learn more about the mind-body connection in this short article that does a good job of explaining the rewards of pursuing a Contrology workout.

Pilates balance

At Your Pilates Lifestyle, my Classic Practice pursues the rhythmic harmony that naturally occurs when mental focus and physical conditioning are in synch. The feeling experienced after powering through the challenge of a Classical workout is one of accomplishment, control, and exhilaration.

Pilates Method Alliance member: Pilates Method Alliance
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